My Favorite
Song List

Play and listen to all my favorite songs from various artists, it's time for us to dance.

About My Music.

On this music page, I will share with you what songs I listen to, as well as my favorite playlists and artists.

Curated songs by Brendan

Curated songs by Brendan

Play my favorite metal song playlist

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The Kids Aren't Alright

The Kids Aren't Alright

One of my Favorite song - Let's Rock !!

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Want You Bad

Want You Bad

I want you.. all tatoed.. - Let's Rock !!

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Freak on a Leash

Freak on a Leash

Let's we jump - KoRn - Freak on a Leash

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Renegrades of Funk

Renegrades of Funk

Are you ready !! Let's Dance.. Jump Jump Rage Against the Machine

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